
We invite to be a part of the oldest and largest funeral service association in Georgia!

As a GFDA Member, you will become part of an active, well-known association that protects and promotes the interests of

funeral service, its members, and the communities they serve. For over 125 years, we have promoted excellence in funeral

service by providing great services and education to help you and your business. GFDA Members have access to valuable

resources and training to assist in serving their communities, tools for their business needs, discounted event pricing

where they can earn the required Continuing Education for their license, and more. 

  • GFDA Alerts directly in the email inbox and access to our Member Page. Our Alerts include the latest GFDA news including Legislative Reports from our lobbyist; Classifieds/Job Board Notices; and Obituary Notices. They also include updates from the National Funeral Directors Association and regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission, Georgia State Board of Funeral Service, and the Georgia Department of Public Health & State Office of Vital Records.
  • In-person and virtual events designed with education for your state licensure requirements and networking with your funeral service peers. We offer over 12 hours of Continuing Education hours annually. GFDA Members receive emails and mailers about our events and discounted attendee pricing. All funeral service professionals are welcome. View our Calendar of Events HERE
  • Inclusion in our online Funeral Home and Affiliate Locators. Each directory is user-friendly, searchable by firm or company, and has a direct link to the member's website.   
  • GFDA is the only National Funeral Directors Association State Affiliated Association in Georgia.  GFDA Members have access to purchase the NFDA Music License and Music Webcasting Licenses. 

Membership renewals were due January 1, 2025. New memberships are accepted all year.

  • Use ONE form per Firm (funeral home location), Affiliate (vendor company representative), Individual, Student, Retired or Honorary Member. We do ask Retired, Honorary, and Students to return forms to ensure the accuracy of our records and for the indication they wish to continue their membership.
  • Fully completed forms for membership are required. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Memberships are not accepted by phone or text.  Paying by check? Return a copy of your form with your check. We recommend sending a copy of your form to the GFDA office by fax or email to ensure our receipt of your form.  Paying by credit card? Send your form to the GFDA office. Invoices are sent by email from Square after receipt of fully completed forms and in the order they are received. ď»ż
  • Firm Member - Funeral Establishments

    Any funeral establishment holding a current license issued from a state licensing agency is eligible for Firm Membership in this Association. Firm Members shall have voting privileges in the Association, by either open or secret ballot, but no Firm Member shall be entitled to vote by proxy.

    All votes made by a Firm Member shall be cast by the Associate Member who has been designated by the Firm Member as its authorized representative.  Each Firm Member is entitled to one vote on matters coming before the membership.  Each person on record as the firm's representative shall hold a current funeral directors license.

    2025 Firm Membership Form - One form per funeral home location

  • Associate Member

    If you are employed by a Member Firm, you are already an Associate Member.  Your funeral home will send us your name each year and you will receive your membership card.  No separate membership or form is required.

    Associate Members:  All funeral directors and embalmers who are duly licensed under the laws of the State of Georgia and who own or are employed by a Firm Member shall be recognized as an Associate Member and shall be entitled to receive those benefits that the Association makes available to such Associate Members. Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote, but may speak on the floor of the annual conference.  Associate members may hold office and serve on committees.  If an Associate Member no longer owns or is no longer employed by a Firm Member, the Associate Membership shall immediately terminate.  If they move to a different member firm, they are also members there.  Otherwise, they may join under the Individual Member category.

  • Affiliate Member - Sales, Manufacturers, Affiliated Industries

    Any funeral supply salespersons, manufacturers, representatives, or allied industry representatives cooperating with the funeral service profession in Georgia shall be eligible for Affiliate Membership in this Association.  Affiliate Members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office, but may speak on the floor of the Annual Conference. Only Affiliate Members whose dues are in good standing will be eligible to attend District Meetings and the Annual Conference of this Association.

    2025 Affiliate Membership Form - One form per company representative

  • Individual Member

    Any funeral director or embalmer who is duly licensed and neither owns nor is employed by a licensed funeral establishment shall be eligible for Individual Membership in this Association.  Individual Members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office, but may speak on the floor of the Annual Conference.  Only Individual Members whose dues are in good standing will be eligible to attend the District Meeting and the Annual Conference of this Association.

    2025 Individual Membership Form

  • Student, Retired, Honorary Members

    No membership fee is required; please complete registration and contact information on the attached form.

    Student Members:  Any mortuary school student or apprentice registered with the State of Georgia shall be eligible for Student Membership in this Association.  Student Members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office, but may speak on the floor of the Annual Conference.  Student Member privileges shall terminate upon such student's completion of the requisite education program or period of apprenticeship.

    Retired Members:  Any Affiliate or Associate Member who has retired from active employment shall be eligible for Retired Membership in this Association.  Retired Members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office, but may speak on the floor of the Annual Conference.

    Honorary Members:  Any person, upon recommendation of the Membership Committee, who has been an Associate or Affiliate Member of this Association for a period of no less than five years, or any other person who has rendered distinguished service to this Association or to the general good of the funeral service profession, may be eligible for Honorary Membership in this Association, if nominated and given favorable consideration by two-thirds of the Firm Members present at the Annual Conference.  Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office, but may speak on the floor of the Annual Conference. Honorary members should keep their contact information up to date, but do not need to register each year as their appointment is lifetime.

    2025 Student, Retired, Honorary Membership Form

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